Thursday, July 24, 2008


OK OK I finally am updating!! I have been harassed by the local blogging group about updating my blog. Well ladies I will....I will. With age comes patience, and lord knows I have patience!

This is my vacation with my grandkids. We went to the beach. I had a great time! Kids were wet and sandy most of the time. I will never eat a hot dog again....or marshmallows....or chips as that is all we ate. But a great memory for all.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Be Yourself

And to only be as a child. No worries, fashion is what you make it. Dress like you want even if no one else likes it. You go Ashley!!

Hello World

I now have failed the blogger test!! I have gone too many days without posting. I have been Busy Busy Busy! So I will just quickly say Hi and leave you with some fun pictures...Can you find me among my friends?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Day Of Rest

The kids at Nana's house, just being kids. Dylan perfecting his Ninja skills and Ashley being tormented by brother. She looks innocent doesn't she? Let's just say she has a few Ninja skills herself!

Sunday, my day to rest. I was awaken at 7:00 am by my good friend Robert. We had coffee together...he at his house and me at my house. I love to just sit in my jammies and drink coffee and visit with a friend or just sit. It's the time in the morning I like to go outside too. To just savor the moment.

The kids stayed home this weekend and spent time with their dad. Though I saw them briefly yesterday. I had given them a challenge to name 100 different types of birds, and write them down....little did I know they had a book from Gramma Ting that was all about birds of the Northwest. It has 2000 birds in that book. So I said switch to insects for Dylan and Fish for Ashley. They love a good challenge. In exchange I would buy them candy bars. They were real excited and while on the phone with their Mom the little one she baby sits with, ran over and wanted to talk on the phone saying...Nana, Yaya (her name for Ashley) bishy, Nana Yaya Bishy. So yes Bentley Nana will also buy you a candy bar. She did not want to be left out. lol I now have a list of birds, insects, and fish. They came to collect candy. I loved it!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wow this is hard work.

Here is the start of my blog days. My daughter helped me do all the graphics. She's awesome. I would of left it all white...who cares! I guess she does. It does look beautiful. I have had fun working with her. She rarely comes over and actually stays for awhile so if I let her do some work on my computer it is a sure way to get her to stay awhile. lol
You know it's true baby!
stay tuned for more exciting posts!!!

Here I am, just being me.

This was one of those days just being goofy....Love the glasses

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